Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cast a Harry Potter Spell

Jasmine from Flip That Page came up with this awesome bookish survey! It's so much fun to answer! And it has a Harry Potter theme! And all three of us here at My Book Hangovers absolutely love Harry Potter!
Cast A Spell
fixes damaged objects
A book that needs some serious fixing: Rockoholic by C.J. Skuse was a fun enough read for me, but I would have liked some attitude adjustments in the characters. They didn't seem realistic to me, and that made it so much harder for me to connect with them. I would have enjoyed it so much more if they hadn't been so down on themselves and so ignorant of what they had.

The Summer Prince
creates a narrow beam of light
A book that deserves more attention: The Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson was such a great book! It was so easy to get sucked into and to imagine the world around June. But according to Goodreads, there really aren't that many ratings for it. I think more people should give it a try even though it may seem a little daunting (as it did to me before I started it.)

Delirium (Delirium, #1)Nox
counters the effects of Lumos
An overhyped book: Okay, so, nobody hate me, because I know this book is very well liked, but I think Delirium (Lauren Oliver) got way too much hype. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy parts of it, but it wasn't all super original to me and I was never very surprised by what came next in it. I wouldn't say it wasn't worth reading, I just don't think it was as amazing as the hype led me to believe it was going to be.

Drop Dead Demons (Divinicus Nex Chronicles #2)Accio
summons an object from a significant distance
A book you’re anticipating: I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS ONE TO COME OUT! Drop Dead Demons by A&E Kirk is my most anticipated book ever. There was a big thing about how the release date has been moved back a few times, but now I have to wait until July of 2014. I'll have been waiting nearly two years by then, and while I understand there were some issues, I really need this book. The first one was absolutely amazing! And the ending was a total cliffhanger!

The Host (The Host, #1)Alohomora
opens unlocked doors, unless bewitched
A book you want to be more open about: The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I really wish I could be more open about how much I loved this book. I feel like I'd be slaughtered for admitting it though. I thought it was so much better than her Twilight series. The characters were more interesting, the world was so much cooler, and I really loved the plot and the love story. And I think Meyer's writing improved after Twilight.

Angel Fire (Angel, #2)Expecto Patronum
conjures an incarnation of positive feelings
A book that made you cry, or at least want to: Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly made me cry towards the end. It really hurt to see what happened between Willow and Sebastian, and it hurt knowing why. I personally thought there was nothing wrong with what Willow was doing so when things went down, it was almost hard to keep reading. But the ending was worth it, even if I shed a few tears before I finally got there.

conjures the Dark Mark
A book you wish to mark as one of your favorites: Tricks by Ellen Hopkins is one of my all-time favorite books ever. I read it twice in the time I had it checked out of the library. Hopkins writes in verse and that's always something I have to adjust to, but I love her writing and the topics she writes about. It's really great everything she does to bring awareness to issues, but she does it by telling the most beautiful stories.

The Night CircusPetrificus Totalus
petrifies victim
A book you wish to keep forever:  I wish I could keep The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Jordyn posted a review of it a while ago, and she absolutely loved it. The writing was fantastic and the imagination she put into that book was gorgeous. I wish I could just keep it next to me for the rest of time and never ever ever put it down.

The Chronicles of Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia #1-7)Protego
shield charm
An intimidating book you keep putting off: I have a huge copy of the Chronicles of Narnia (C.S Lewis) sitting on my bookshelves and I just can't bring myself to read it. It's got so many pages and all of the print is tiny. Every time I try to pick it up, I end up getting distracted. I feel like I need to read it because I received it as a gift, and I also feel like I'd be missing out if I didn't read it, but I just haven't been able to do it yet.

A Monster CallsRiddikulus
used against a boggart
A book with a deceiving synopsis: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Jordyn read this one a while ago and didn't get what she was expecting at all. She still really loved it though. And I saw some of the pictures in it, which were pretty wicked. But what she described to me and what the synopsis says seem like two very different things.
Torment (Fallen, #2)Lacarnum Inflamarae
shoots fireballs
A book you wish to burn out of your mind completely: Torment by Lauren Kate. Gah! I really loved the first book in this series (Fallen), but I felt so letdown by Torment. It was so different from the first book. The characters had changed, and it felt like the book was going in a whole different direction. I wish it would have been more like what I was expecting after the ending of Fallen. As it is, I'd rather just forget about it.

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-BanksWingardium Leviosa
levitates objects
A book you wish to reread: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart was a seriously wonderful book. It's been such a long time since I've read it though. I wouldn't mind rereading it a few times. It was such a fun and interesting read! I couldn't put it down! But it's hard for me to remember some of the finer points to the plot, so I'll have to read it again. Not that I'll mind one little bit.
Silas MarnerAvada Kedavra
causes instant death
Worst book EVER: To me, Silas Marner by George Eliot, was the. Worst. Book. Ever. I read it quite a long time ago in an English class, but I remember hating it with a fiery passion. I've never felt that way about another book. And I tried so hard to like it because my Enlgish teacher was so excited about it. But I just couldn't do it. It wasn't my kind of book, and while I've branched out of my normal genres before, this one didn't do it for me at all. I couldn't have possibly disliked it more than I did.
Spells Cast On You
With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)Stupefy
puts victim in unconscious state
A book with a chapter you couldn’t seem to get over: The last few chapters of With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent were really hard for me to deal with for multiple reasons. The first reason was that the series was ending. The second was that they were heart-wrenchingly painful, but so wonderful at the same damn time. I couldn't stop reading them, but I was crying and upset and happy all at the same time and it was crazy insane how intense those last few chapters were.

Misguided Angel (Blue Bloods, #5)Confundo
causes befuddlement or forgetfulness
A book that generally confused you: Misguided Angel by Melissa de la Cruz. It's been a while since I've read it, but I remember feeling confused during parts of it. Not because the writing was confusing or the plot wasn't understandable though. I just felt like the book's direction had changed a lot since the first book. It barely felt like the same series to me.

Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)Crucio
inflicts unbearable pain
A book that was a pain to read: Beautiful Creatures was a really painful read for me. I didn't get into it the way I usually do with books, but someone kept telling me that it got better towards the end. But for me, it really didn't, so it was kind of painful making it all the way through.

Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)Episkey
heals relatively minor injuries
A feel good book that you enjoyed: Heist Society by Ally Carter was a really fun read. It wasn't too difficult or weighted down with details and emotions. It was just a quick, fun little read that I enjoyed immensely. I haven't read the second one yet, but it's on my to-read list, which mean I'll get to it eventually. Whenever I find time to enjoy it. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later, but my to-read list is nearly never-ending.

Valkyrie RisingExpelliarmus
temporarily disarms an opponent
A book with a swoon-worthy character: Valkyrie Rising by Ingrid Paulson contained one seriously swoon-worthy character, and that was Tuck. I couldn't get enough of him. I felt bad for Ellie, seeing as how she was majorly attracted to Tuck, who was her older brother's best friend. And of course that wasn't the only complication she had to deal with. But at least Tuck made it better. So much better, especially when they finally got together.

Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)Impedimenta
impedes target’s progress
A book that kept you up all night reading: Alice in Zombieland was the last book that kept me up way too late reading. It was kind of creepy because every time I finished reading about a zombie attack, I could look out my window in the the dark night outside. I kept expecting something to pop up in my window. But I really loved the book. Seriously. If you haven't read it, commence doing so right now at this exact moment.

Five Flavors of DumbSilencio
immediate silencing
A book that left you speechless after you read it: Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John was a really epic novel. I loved the main character with a fiery passion. She was an incredible lead and I loved watching her grow throughout the story. I loved how much she really got into music even though she couldn't really hear it most of the time, as she was deaf. But watching her dealing with the band and learning to handle the issues they were having was really wonderful.
Dead Silence (The Body Finder, #4)Legilimens
allows you to delve into someone’s mind
A book with well-developed characters: Dead Silence (Kimberly Derting) had really well-developed characters. And I really enjoyed watching as the characters grew more throughout the last book. The main character Violet learned how to stand up for herself even more than she already did and she decided to make her final decision without basing it on fear or other people's wants. I really wish the series hadn't ended.

Chosen (House of Night, #3)Levicorpus
a spell that turns you upside down
A book that changed your mind about a character from its prequel: Chosen, the third installment in the House of Night series, really changed my opinions of some characters, if only momentarily. For a little while, I couldn't understand the main character Zoey and the choices she'd made. I couldn't accept them and wasn't happy with them. I also completely lost hope in a few male characters and gained a lot in one female character, but I won't say who in case people are intending to read these but haven't. I was a pretty big part of the plot.

Kiss Crush CollideObliviate
used to hide memories
A book with a story you can’t remember: Kiss Crush Collide was a book that I borrowed from a friend and read quite a long time ago. I was going through my Goodreads before doing this post and I saw it in my "read" file, but I didn't remember reading it. It hasn't been that long since I've read it, as I remember reading it now, but I don't really remember what happened in the story. I just remember likely the story well enough, but not being overly impressed.

Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1)Peskipiksi Pesternomi
useless spell
A boring book that had absolutely no effect on you: Wither (Lauren DeStefano) wasn't exactly boring to me, but it didn't hold my attention as well as it should have. I finished it, but I don't remember as many details as I usually remember about the books that I read. I also haven't gone to pick up the second one, like I normally would have by now. So I guess I could say that this book had absolutely no effect on me.

The Awakening and The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries, #1-2)Reducto
breaks through solid objects
A book that convinced you to reconsider a certain genre: Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith were the first books that ever got me into the paranormal genre. Which is a pretty big deal, seeing as how that makes up for most of the books I read nowadays. So it basically introduced me to most of the books that I've read and loved within the last few years. Which I will be forever thankful for, because it led me to a seriously large amount of books.

Croak (Croak, #1)Rictusempra
tickling spell
A book that made you laugh: Croak was one of the funniest books I've read in a couple years. It made me laugh out loud quite a few times, which doesn't happen very often. But it was one of the most humorous reads I've seen in a long time, although once again, I'm behind when it comes to the rest of the series. Something else I'll have to correct soon. I'm looking forward to the new laughs that I'll have with the next installments.

Impulse (Impulse, #1)Sectusempra
offensive spell that violently wounds the target
A book that may have scarred you for life: Impulse, another Ellen Hopkins book, was very scarring to me, but it was a good kind of scarring. I wasn't very aware of the issues discussed in that book the first time I read it. But by the time I was done, I was far more aware of suicidal feelings and how much of a stress they can be on teenagers. I'm so glad I read this when I did and discovered Ellen Hopkins.

Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick, #8)Tarantallegra
makes you dance uncontrollably
A series finale that made you feel giddy:  Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley, the final installment of the Rock Chick series, made me really giddy. I couldn't believe that the series was ending but it also said there were going to be more of them, just in a different series. I can't wait to see what Kristen comes out with next and I really hope it's as good as the rest of the books I've read, although I don't doubt her abilities one little bit, and am eagerly awaiting her next book.

Every Day (Every Day, #1)Bombarda Maxima
causes an explosion that breaks through obstacles
A book that made you explode with the feels:  Every Day by David Levithan just killed me when the feels hit me. I could barely deal with it. I got to the ending and I just didn't know what to do. It almost hurt knowing how the main character felt about the girl and what he was willing to do for her. I almost wanted to protest how the ending went down, but at the same time, it really did feel like it that was how it was meant to end. I couldn't have accepted it any other way either.

Memoirs of a GeishaFinite Incantatem
nullifies other spells
A book you thought you’d dislike, but ended up loving: I thought I'd dislike Memiors of a Geisha, but I ended up really loving the story. My friend kept telling my that I needed to read it and that I would love it just as much as she did. But I wasn't sure because I don't normally read historical fiction, especially not stuff that could almost be real. But I gave it a try, figuring that if she loved it that much it couldn't be all bad. And I'm very glad I did, because it's probably one of my favorite books ever now.

Have you made a Harry Potter survey?
If you have, let us know in the comments below and we'll check it out!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: The Art of Falling


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Breaking the Spine. It let us spotlight books that haven't been released, but that we can't wait for. This week we've picked The Art of Falling by Kathryn Craft  which is scheduled to be released on January 28th, 2014.

One wrong step could send her over the edge.

All Penny has ever wanted to do is dance—and when that chance is taken from her, it pushes her to the brink of despair, from which she might never return. When she wakes up after a traumatic fall, bruised and battered but miraculously alive, Penny must confront the memories that have haunted her for years, using her love of movement to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Kathryn Craft’s lyrical debut novel is a masterful portrayal of a young woman trying to come to terms with her body and the artistic world that has repeatedly rejected her. The Art of Falling expresses the beauty of movement, the stasis of despair, and the unlimited possibilities that come with a new beginning. 

We can't wait to read this one for a ton of reason. The cover is gorgeous, first of all. And the story sounds intriguing. Also, our very own Michaela is a very dedicated dancer, so whenever books come along about dancer's going after their dreams and facing hardships comes along, our interests are always piqued.

What are you waiting for this Wednesday?
Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Review: The Night Circus

The Night Circus 
Erin Morgenstern 
387pages (Hardcover) 
Goodreads - Amazon  - Barnes&Noble

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des RĂªves, and it is only open at night.

But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway—a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them, this is a game in which only one can be left standing, and the circus is but the stage for a remarkable battle of imagination and will. Despite themselves, however, Celia and Marco tumble headfirst into love—a deep, magical love that makes the lights flicker and the room grow warm whenever they so much as brush hands.

True love or not, the game must play out, and the fates of everyone involved, from the cast of extraordinary circus per­formers to the patrons, hang in the balance, suspended as precariously as the daring acrobats overhead.

Written in rich, seductive prose, this spell-casting novel is a feast for the senses and the heart. 


This book was fairly big a while back, but only recently did I realize that my library had a copy and I got it right away. And I'm so glad I did.

There are a few things that I really loved about this book. The first thing, the obvious thing, was the story. I didn't get exactly what I expected when I opened this book. I was expecting s story about two people who were performing with each other, trying to outdo the other with pretty displays of sparks and small illusions. I got so much more. The story was so deep. I didn't realize how many people would be involved, how the circus would actually work, or how much I would support both of the characters. It was heart-wrenching knowing that it couldn't end well, but still hoping it would anyway.

I also enjoyed Erin's writing insanely. Everything seemed so eloquent and the descriptions were beautiful. All I wanted through the whole book was to be able to really experience the circus, in real life. Every single tent, exhibit, or show that was described crept into my brain until I could almost feel it. They were all so real to me, and I could perfectly imagine every one. The descriptions were beautiful, the characters were perfectly written out, and every scene pulled me in.

I don't feel like I can gush a whole lot about this one without giving away details and ruining some of the surprises for readers, so I'll just let it be known that I think everyone should read this book, if only because of how gorgeous the writing was.

I'm giving this book a hangover level of 5 out of 5.

Want to purchase the book? Check out the links at the top!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Nerdy Knowledge #2

A Bookworm? 

We've all been called it: a bookworm. Many of us call ourselves bookworms too. I mean, one of our favorite blogs is called Bewitched Bookworms. But, do we actually know what a bookworm is? Does it mean we read a lot? Is it a bad thing? A good thing? We've wanted to now what exactly this term means, and now we're gonna share it.

Literal Definition: 

Bookworm: A person unusually devoted to reading and study. 

In Other Words: 

A bookworm is someone who spends a lot of time reading and/or studying. In our personal opinion, being called a bookworm isn't a bad thing. We feel that people should be proud that they read more than the average.  
     Shout it out to the world, let people know who you truly are. There's no reason to be ashamed. You never know how many friends you could make by admitting that you are a bookworm. Keep on reading, friends.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Adrenaline Rush

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Breaking the Spine. It let us spotlight books that haven't been released, but that we can't wait for. This week I've picked Adrenaline Rush by Cindy M. Hogan, which is scheduled to be released sometime late October (the 20th according to Amazon and the 26th according to Goodreads).
A madman with a mission is kidnapping groups of thrill-seeking high school seniors across the country, and it’s up to Christy to stop him.

To do so, she must take on a fearless alter ego and infiltrate a group of adrenaline junkies bent on pushing life to the limit. Death-defying stunts are only the beginning: two groups fit the profile, and Christy must discover the real target before it’s too late.

If she chooses the wrong group, more people will disappear. But choosing right puts her as the prime target—with no guarantee that she’ll get out alive.
I can't wait to read this one! I heard about it a while back and I really loved the cover. I've always enjoyed books about teens doing undercover and government-type jobs too. Those novels keep me entertained and interested. I also really like the idea of the adrenaline junkies, and I'm wondering how that will fit into the storyline.
What are you waiting for this Wednesday?
Let us know in the comments below!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Teardrop

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Breaking the Spine. It let us spotlight books that haven't been released, but that we can't wait for. This week I've picked Teardrop by Lauren Kate, which is scheduled to be released on October 22nd, 2013.

Never, ever cry. . . . Eureka Boudreaux's mother drilled that rule into her daughter years ago. But now her mother is gone, and everywhere Eureka goes he is there: Ander, the tall, pale blond boy who seems to know things he shouldn't, who tells Eureka she is in grave danger, who comes closer to making her cry than anyone has before.

But Ander doesn't know Eureka's darkest secret: ever since her mother drowned in a freak accident, Eureka wishes she were dead, too. She has little left that she cares about, just her oldest friend, Brooks, and a strange inheritance—a locket, a letter, a mysterious stone, and an ancient book no one understands. The book contains a haunting tale about a girl who got her heart broken and cried an entire continent into the sea. Eureka is about to discover that the ancient tale is more than a story, that Ander might be telling the truth . . . and that her life has far darker undercurrents than she ever imagined.
I've read a few books by Lauren Kate, consisting of some of her Fallen series. (Although I'm not all caught up and still need to finish the series.) I really enjoyed the first few books that I read and I love the synopsis for this book. The story idea is so intriguing and it sounds really new and fresh. Also, it comes out the day after my birthday!
So what are you waiting for this Wednesday?
Let us know in the comments below!